CrossFit Glossary

CrossFit has a wide range of different terms used to simplify the movements used in the daily workout’s of the day (or WODs). To the beginner this can seem like a bewildering list of strange acronyms so we’ve compiled a list of the most popular CrossFit terms to help newcomers understand what some of the common terms mean.

Glossary of CrossFit terms

AMRAP:  As many round as possible
BP: Bench Press
BS: Back Squat
BW: Body Weight
BWT:  Body Weight
CFT:  CrossFit Total (max squat, press, and deadlift)
CFWU:  CrossFti Warm-up
CLN:  Clean
C&J:  Clean & Jerk
C2: Concept II rowing machine
CTB: Chest to the Bar Pullups
DL: Deadlift
DU:  Double Unders
FS: Front Squat
GHD: Glute Ham Developer
GHD: Sit up Sit up done on the GHD
GPP: General Physical Preparedness, aka “fitness”
HPC: Hang Power Clean
HSPU: Handstand Push up
KBS: Kettlebell Swing
KTE: Knees to Elbows
MetCon:  Metabolic Conditioning Workout
MU:  Muscle Up
OHS: Overhead Squat
PC:  Power Clean
Pood:  Weight Measurement for kettlebells of Russian origin
PR:  Personal Record
PP:  Push Press
PJ:  Push Jerk
PU:  Pull ups or Push ups
Rep:  Repetition (one performance of an exercise)
Rx’d:  As prescribed; as written. WOD done without any adjustments/scaling
RM:  Repetition Maximum (1RM  is your max lift for one rep)
SDLHP:  Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Set:  A number of repetitions (e.g. 3 sets of 10 reps or 3×10; reps, rest, reps, rest, reps)
SJ:  Split Jerk
T2B: Toes to Bar
WOD:  Workout of the Day

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